Maid jailed 3 months 2 weeks for theft and causing hurt

An Indonesian maid was jailed for three months and two weeks on Wednesday for stealing money from her employer and her sister and hitting their 80-year-old mother.

Jariyah, 24, who faced 14 charges altogether, admitted to six charges of theft, theft as a servant and causing hurt. The court heard that she was employed by finance assistant Julie Chong Lye Kuin, 46, last September to take care of her mother, Madam Cheng Chu Ha, and do household chores. Madam Cheng has dementia.

Earlier this year while Julie, her brother, Chee Ming, 45, their mother and the maid were living with their sister, Susan, 41, in Woodlands, the maid stole $100 from Susan in February and $200 in March. After the four had moved out to another flat in Woodlands, Chee Ming installed a closed-circuit television as he suspected the maid of hitting Madam Cheng.

Jariyah took $50 from her employer’s wallet in June, and $20 a few days later. She was caught on CCTV using her hand to slap Madam Cheng on the head once on June 27 and using a magazine to hit her back two days later.

This article is from Straits Times on 14 September 2011. The original URL is:

why do singaporeans install CCTV cameras at home?

We recently saw some discussions at some forums. We thought it could reflect the concerns of most of our customers who want to install CCTV Cameras at home:

“Anybody install CCTV to monitor their maid? Any if you do, do you inform your maid about it? Will the maid be more effective and cautious in their work? Please share your view. As I like to hire an experience Filipino maid to look after by 4-month old baby.”

Some of people replied:

“Thanks to my camera at home, found out my previous maid threw tantrum at my 2 yr old daughter and take afternoon naps! She also did not feed my children properly as she was busy starring at the TV, just simple shove the food into their mouths and fed my son rice with her fingers. So I personally feel CCTV is very important esp when you have to leave maid alone with small children.”

With the advancement of technology, improvement of our living standard and reduction in the cost, CCTV Cameras has been part of our daily life in Singapore. With a normal package CCTV cameras installed in the living room, kitchen and from door, you won’t have such worries any more.

If you have any thoughts on this matter, we love to hear from you! Or if you wanna install a set of CCTV cameras at your home too, do browse our online CCTV Cameras shop for more information!

How to configure the internet explorer to view security cctv camera video on your computer?

keyword: configure IE, CCTV, security camera

(Please note that the following steps are needed only when you are using IE to login the CCTV, and facing issues such as security warnings; in addtion, it might be only applicable when you are using a older version of our CCTV devices. So please refer to the instructions only when it is suitable)

After we have completed the installation of the security CCTV cameras for your home/office, you should be able to use your iPhone/Android phone/Windows phone to view the CCTV video footage in real time now. If you want to see the CCTV video using your computer directly, here are some steps you might need to go through (for OS Windows 7 and above):

1. Go to “Start” -> “All programs”, find the 32 bits Internet Explorer as follows.


2. At the address bar, enter the URL address we have given to you. It should be in the format of: http://[your personalized domain]:[http port]. Please get your personalized domain for the CCTV and http port from us. 

3. You should be able to see the login page as follows.


4. Go to “internet options” -> “Security” -> “custom level”. You should be able to see the windows below.


5. Enable all the settings under “ActiveX controls and plug-ins”. Don’t worry about the security warnings. We will fix that later.


6. Click “Ok” when it is done. Now you are back to the CCTV login page: http://[your personalized domain]:[http port]. Refresh the page by pressing F5.


7. Now you should be asked whether to install “”, as follows. Choose “Install ActiveX Control”.

8. After installation, the page will refresh automatically. After that you can login using the name and password we have given to you.

9. After you login, you can choose the “Fix Settings for me” to restore your computer’s risk level. That is all. Enjoy!

CMS Software & Plugin for Hikvision & Dahua CCTV on Windows and Mac PC

Keyword: CCTV Setting, CCTV, DVR Setting, DVR Set Up, IP Camera, NVR, XVR, Hikvision, Dahua

Here are a list of softwares which you need to set up an IP Camera, DVR, NVR, XVR, etc. The softwares are applicable to Hikvision and Dahua CCTV Camera systems.

You may find these guides are helpful for your configuration:

1) How to use iVMS-4500 for Hikvision CCTV, IP Camera, NVR, DVR
2) How to Use Hikvision iVMS-4200 on PC
3) How to Use Hikvision Hik-Connect in iVMS-4500
4) How to Use Dahua iDMSS on iPhone & Dahua gDMSS on Android Phone
5) How to Use Dahua SmartPSS on PC

6) How to Use Dahua DMSS

7) How to Use Hikvision Hik-Connect

Dahua Smart PSS for Windows (V2.03)

iVMS-4200 (All) on Windows PC (iVMS-4200_v3.7.0.5)

iVMS-4200 (All) on Windows PC (iVMS-4200_v3.11.0.5)

Hikvision SADP (V3.1.0.3)

Hikvision SADP for Mac (V1.0.0.4)

Hikvion HikCentral for Windows (V2.6.2)

Dahua General Config Tool V4.05.0 for Windows

Dahua General Config Tool for Mac

Dahua SmartPSS Lite (20240517)

Dahua Smart PSS for Mac Intel (20210129)

Dahua Smart PSS Lite for Mac (V1.003)

Dahua Smart PSS for Arm Based Mac (202409)

Hikvision Hik-Connect Android (

ZKTeco Bio Access (V3.3.2)


Ubiquiti Controller (V7.2.97, Windows)

Dlink Nuclias Software


(Discontinued) iVMS-4200 for CCTV on Windows PC

(Discontinued - V2.x) iVMS for CCTV on Windows PC (iVMS-4200_v2.8.2.2)

(Newest for Thermal Camera/Door Access) iVMS-4800 on Windows PC (iVMS-4800_V2.x)

(Google Drive) iVMS for CCTV on Windows PC (iVMS-4200_v2.6.2.7)

(Google Drive) iVMS-4200 for CCTV on MAC (V2.0.0.17)


(Google Drive) Dahua Smart Player for Player (V3.4)

(Dropbox) SADP (V2.2.3.5)

UTi165K PC Connection Software V1.50

Web Video Plugin for Mac OS (new)

Hikvision Analog/IP Camera Video Player (Windows OS. Need installation)

Hikvison Video Player for Mac OS

To download the latest version of Firefox which can be used to watch live view and replay of CCTV cameras: Firefox 50

(Google Drive) ZKTimes 1.5.7

(Google Drive) ZKTimes 5.0

Enable Live View of CCTV Camera on Chrome by Enabling NPAPI Plugin

Our CCTV Camera, IP Cameras, NVR, DVR have the built-in function which allow a user to watch the live view and replay on the browsers directly. All the major browers are supported: IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. We quite recommend Chrome, Firefox and Safari, as they are more stable and better browsers. 

If you notice that recently your Chrome browser won't give you the live view, that is probably caused the recent Chrome update, which disable the NPAPI plugin by default. Here is the tweek of how you can change a setting to make sure you can still watch the live view and replay video of your CCTV Camera, IP Cameras, NVR, DVR on your Chrome browser:

  1. Open your Chrome browser, at the address bar, copy and paste chrome://flags/#enable-npapi
  2. You should see the screen as below. Click "Enable" 
  3. Relaunch (close and reopen) your chrome browser. Login to your CCTV camera page. It should be working now!

How to Choose - IP Camera or Analog CCTV Camera?

In the present age, if one wants to secure the premises, then he can not think of a business or a household without a security CCTV camera system. Along with the development of security systems, the crime rate and the type of crime has also evolved to such an extent that one requires a latest and efficient security system. The analog CCTV camera system’s history dates back to almost 50 years. A simple analog CCTV (Close Circuit TV camera) is a security camera that records the video feed on a device called Digital Video Recorder (DVR). While an IP camera is one which feeds the video stream to an IP address. An IP Camera can then be recorded over a Network Video Reorder (NVR). 

This is the basic difference between the analog CCTV camera and an IP security camera. IP camera is greater in efficiency in these terms and hence it can be said that an IP camera is sharper in its performance than a CCTV analog camera. For an analog CCTV camera, you have to install the camera system and the DVR, which might be timely and hectic procedure including many jumbles of wires and countless instances where there is a chance of short circuit. An IP camera in this sense is relatively easy to install and use. The IP camera sends the video feed to an IP address and hence that video feed would be accessible to any part of the house or the building where there is internet. In fact it is also possible that you have installed an IP camera in one of your properties in Singapore and you are able to watch the video feed from Malaysia or any other part of the world where there is internet. In contrast to this, if one has installed a system of analog CCTV camera, the feed can be only viewed from a monitor which connects to the DVR, that too if connected with the recording device that is recording the feed of the camera. It is true that the analog CCTV cameras can also be accessed remotely over the internet through the DVR but the procedure is not as efficient as IP cameras. 

Another big plus point of the IP cameras is that one can view the video feed on a mobile device like a laptop or an iPhone or some android phone. There is no such facility available in the usual analog CCTV cameras except for the remote access over the internet via a DVR. However there is a slight hiccup in the industry and market of the IP cameras. As compared to the analog CCTV cameras, IP cameras are a bit expensive. But the high expenses are not unreasonable as they are providing one with a huge facility. 

The quality of the CCTV analog camera is good at all times but for heavy duty uses, the latest and improved system of cameras, the IP camera system should be installed because the videos are of HD quality under light and at night, the night vision is applicable. The quality that one wants to view on the device can be selected as per one’s desire. But one cannot deny the great night vision quality of the analog CCTV cameras.

HD-TVI CCTV Camera - What is it?

Used in the CCTV surveillance cameras, High Definition Transport Video Interface or HD-TVI for short is a technology developed by Hikvision and Techpoint, as opposed to HD-CVI which was developed around the same time period, HD-TVI is open source which has let many other manufacturers and even household DIY experts work on their own HD-TVI systems.

When compared to HD-CVI, the technologies are comparable, both in terms of price as well as features but the fact that HD-TVI is open source gives it an edge in the long run and many products of relatively low prices are available on the market.

Features and advantages of HD-TVI over other technologies

Just like any other piece of modern technology, there's competition and alternatives present and often times a consumer has to choose between several different manufacturers or models of the same equipment. So let's take a look at how HD-TVI works when compared to others on the market.

Keep in mind that HD-TVI is able to provide 720p and 1080p footage over longer transmission distances (up to 500m) with minimal interference and virtually no delay. HD-TVI also supports frame rates of up to 60 fps with 720p while 1080p videos are run at 30 fps.


Compared to HD-CVI, there aren't that many technical advantages in favour of HD-TVI, from working distances to image quality, both pieces of technology are able to provide virtually identical results for around the same price. They're able to provide similar frame rates for both 1080p and 720p footage which is one of the major reason that HD-CVI is able to compete with HD-TVI in the first place.

As already discussed, HD-TVI is an open source technology so low quality versions are also available from manufacturers which make use of this open source nature, causing many "budget" versions to be available on the market whereas HD-CVI is limited to being produced by certain manufacturers. This keeps the quality in check but makes the final product relatively expensive.


Another name which might pop up during your initial research is HD-SDI which offers a tough competition in terms of quality as it's not only able to provide a similar resolution to HD-TVI but the overall image quality is considered to be better as well.

However when it comes to cost and maintenance, a lot more money needs to be spent on additional equipment and the HD-TVI overcomes the SDI's better image quality in terms of cost efficiency and reliability.

Analog CCTV Camera

Analog cameras don't stand a chance in terms of footage quality, both on-spot or when transmitted over long distances but they too have their own advantages. They're mostly used when the storage capacity or bandwidth is limited, so you might need to invest in a reliable option for your specific conditions.

IP Camera

IP Cameras on the other hand specialize in online surveillance and most footage is transferred over the internet as opposed to a local wired or wireless connection. IP Cameras can be set up to use private or hybrid networks for maximum security against cyber criminals.

When it comes to quality, as long as your network is able to provide the required bandwidth, IP Cameras will remain unmatched in terms of raw image quality. As opposed to HD-TVI, IP Camera offers image compression to make up for slower networks.

Naturally, there will be a small delay over long distances due to latency but there's nothing that can be done about it as we're limited by the laws of nature and you should still be receiving all of the footage with next to no losses in quality.


At the end of the day, HD-TVI CCTV Cameras are able to provide you with the good surveillance possible, given that you're able to keep up with their storage and bandwidth requirements, apart from HD-CVI, none of the traditional technologies stand a chance when it comes to pure cost efficiency and image quality.

But when it comes to surveillance over a spread-out network or the internet, IP Cameras are the sole contenders as their ability to transfer high quality compressed footage over any kind of a network is phenomenal and finding a better, more reliable alternative for the time being is out of the question.

Solution To "Device is Not Registered" of CCTV DVR and NVR

If you encounter the issue of "Device not registered" when you try to connect to you CCTV cameras using the mobile app ivms-4500, here is the solution to it:

1) While you are in the same network of your CCTV system, open your browser (Firefox recommended) from your computer (NOT mobile phone).

2) Type the URL address of your NVR/DVR, and login the system (if you are not sure how to do this, please refer to our remote support to get help from us)

3) Go to "Configuration" -> "Network" -> "Basic Settings" -> "TCP/IP". Make sure the DNS server is set to "" and ""Click "Save" when you are done. The screenshot is shown as below.

4) Go to "Configuration" -> "Network" -> "Basic Settings" -> "DDNS". Select "Asia" in Area (or Locality in some system). Select "Singapore" in Country. The screenshot is shown as below.

5) Click "Save"

The issue of "Device not registered" should be resolved by now. 

If you have any difficulties, or still don't know how to do it, don't worry, please refer to our remote support to get help from us.

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60 Albert Street, #09-05, Singapore 189969

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IP camera is the most reliable and accessible invention for foolproof security. Due to this invention, the surveillance system has become more reliable and secure. This technology has enabled you to connect the CCTV camera to the network. Now you can view the CCTV camera videos through a network from any location. IP camera Singapore also allows you to record the video on network drive. In many cases, it has been noticed that the burglars took away the DVR after attempting criminal act. Even installing the CCTV camera Singapore, the homeowner could not be able to identify the culprits. The recording of the evidence could not made available too. In fact, the surveillance system was itself on the risk of theft. IP camera surveillance system has enhanced the security because now your video is safe on the network.

The invention of IP camera has opened lots of options for the homeowners to monitor their home remotely. Now everything happening at home is directly on the watch. Similarly, the business community is more beneficiary of this wonderful invention. The safety of the recording and accessibility options has increased the demand of IP camera in Singapore. CCTV Singapore industry is focusing more on IP camera because it is more secured way of recording the evidence. With the installation of IP camera surveillance system, you can have complete piece of mind. You have best reliable security system, which never fails to produce evidence.

Hikvision & Dahua are the world’s leading CCTV camera, IP Camera and Video Surveillance Equipment companies. HikVision and Dahua specializes in video surveillance products and technology, HikVision & Dahua designs and manufactures CCTV and video surveillance products. HikVision & Dahua has products ranging from CCTV camera, IP cameras, HD-TVI cameras, NVRs and DVRs to video management software.

A reliable and secure safe box is the basic requirement of every home and office. Everyone needs a safe and secure place to keep his/her valuables and personal belongings. You need a safe box to lock and safeguard your confidential documents, which you do not want to share with other. Even, there may be some special documents or belongings you won’t want to share with your family members. The protection against unauthorized access to the personal assets and documents is the basic aim for having a reliable and secure safe box. Safety of the precious, personal, and secret assets remained the problems of human being in every era. In every era, the efforts to make a secure and foolproof safe box were made by the experts. During the current technology era, having a secure safe box is also the basic priority of everyone. The latest technology is being used for manufacturing secure safe box. Singapore lock and safe box are well known all around the world due to reliability and safety. The safe deposit box Singapore is focusing more on the quality and features of the safe. The basic aim is to make the safe more secure and complicated to prevent unauthorized access.

All possible measures have been taken to restrict unauthorized access to the safe box. Currently, key safe box, electronic/digital safe box and multi-lock system safe box have been introduced in the market. The advancement of technology has unveiled multiple options for the safe box manufacturer Singapore to make high-quality safe box and safe chest products. Brands of safe box includes Yale safeSentry SafeDiplomat Safe, Nika Safe, LuCell Safe.

server rack is a structure consisting of vertical columns and horizontal shelves that form a frame. This frame works as a special support for different kinds of computerized systems with special requirements. Server racks offer an excellent solution when it comes to find an optimal distribution, space saving and efficiency.

Keywords: HikVision, Dahua, CCTV Camera, IP Camera, wireless IP camera, CCTV SingaporeCCTV installation Singapore, HD-TVI CCTV camera from Hikvision, HDCVI CCTV Camera from Dahua, Nanny Camera, DVR, NVR, Digital Door Lock, Home Safe Box, Cloze Passage, Office Access Control, Yale Digital Lock, Fingerprint Lock, Digital Safe, Yale safe boxServer Rack

Copyright 2009-2025 Owned by Wise Group Pte Ltd. All Rights Reserved. CCTV Camera and IP Camera in Singapore. Buy Safe Box in Singapore. Server Rack Singapore. Access Card Duplicate. HikCentral Professional License