Security cameras will be rolled out in areas with crime concerns first

Keywords: Security Camera

THE roll-out of surveillance cameras in local neighbourhoods around Singapore will start in areas where there are greater crime and security concerns, said Mr S. Iswaran in Parliament on Tuesday.

The Second Minister for Home Affairs, replying to a suggestion to set up cameras at loanshark hotspots, affirmed that the police would prioritise the installation of the camera network based on needs.

A consideration would be whether or not the area had security and crime concerns, such as loanshark harassment.

The number of people arrested for loanshark harassment and lending rose by 22 per cent to 1,033 in the first six months of this year, compared to the same period last year.

The police have also been posting on Facebook pictures of those caught on camera for loanshark harassment, to appeal for help in nabbing them.

Starting in April this year, the first of the closed-circuit TV (CCTV) cameras had been installed in Bishan, Bukit Merah, Clementi, Punggol, Sengkang, Tampines and Woodlands.

These cameras were placed at all key entry and exit points of some 300 HDB blocks and multi-storey carparks in these neighbourhoods.

Islandwide installation of the cameras is expected to be completed in 2016.

Note: This article is extracted from The Straits Times; See the origin at:

Singapore: CCTV clips show maid’s alleged rough handling of kid

Keyword: CCTV, HDB CCTV, Singapore CCTV, CCTV Monitor Maid

Another news of maid alleged rough handling kids in Singapore! Caught by CCTV cameras installed at HDB houses.

Although her employer’s young daughter was standing before an open fridge, a maid allegedly proceeded to shut its door.

It happened two days after the maid from Myanmar was hired, said Mr Tan Qing Yuan, 37, who has a video clip of the incident from the closed-circuit television (CCTV) camera he had fitted in his home.

Mr Tan, a driver, also accused Ms Siang Nei Thluai, 24, of mistreating his toddler, two, three times within an hour on a separate occasion. He has made a police report.

“But the police officer told me we don’t have enough evidence, and asked me to look for more evidence,” Mr Tan told The Straits Times on Tuesday night.

A police spokesman confirmed that a report was made a week ago, and that investigations are ongoing. He also said that what the investigating officer told Mr Tan is confidential.

Mr Tan showed The Straits Times several video clips. In one of them, Ms Siang was seen closing the fridge door with one hand while carrying an infant in another arm.

She leaves the kitchen, and the fridge door moves a few times, before a toddler emerges from behind it and follows her.

Another clip shows the toddler, who was lying down in a playpen, being forcefully pulled up by her shoulder.

Mr Tan said Ms Siang was hired to look after his two younger girls, the toddler and the nine-month-old infant, as his wife, a human resource executive, also works during the day. Their eldest, who is four, attends a kindergarten in the daytime.

The news is from The Straits Time, 29 August 2012, By Lim Yan Liang ( The origin URL:

Singapore HDB owners go high-tech for home security

Keywords: HDB, home security, security cameras, fingerprint locks, CCTV camera

Ever wonder how the high-tech home security products, such as CCTV, fingerprint locks, digital locks, improve the quality of life of those who live in the HDB houses in Singapore? Sunday Times featured the article on 15 July 2012. Read on… (By Desmond Lim; Origin of the article:

There is no fumbling for her house keys when analyst Jean Tay returns to her Bishan flat each night.

To open the door, she swipes her index finger on a $950 biometric lock.

It can be unlocked by four other people: her husband and maid, through their fingerprints, and her parents, through personal identification numbers (PINs). No more worries about losing their keys.

The 37-year-old mother of two is one of a growing number of HDB residents who do not mind paying up to $3,000 for high-tech security devices such as digital locks, closed-circuit television (CCTV) and peephole cameras with motion sensors.

‘It is to safeguard my family,’ said Ms Tay, who helped organise the bulk purchase of the locks for about 30 residents in the estate seven months ago. A normal lock would cost about $100.

Eight companies selling these products told The Sunday Times that HDB residents now make up at least half of their customers, up from just 10 per cent three years ago.

Like Ms Tay, Pandan Gardens resident Kelvin Tan feels safer after investing $800 in two digital locks a fortnight ago. They can be unlocked only by a PIN.

The impetus came from recent thefts in his neighbourhood.

‘Even kids can pick locks these days. It’s a security measure and long-term investment,’ said Mr Tan, 22, a bartender who lives with his parents in a three-room flat.

Home owners have become more conscious of security, and with more travelling overseas and working longer hours, such devices are in demand, said Mr Salim Mohammad, regional general manager of ADT Security in South-east Asia, which provides security systems for homes and businesses.

Mr Chua Kee Peow, 33, executive manager of Kaplen IT Services, which sells electronic peephole viewers directly and through computer stores, predicts they will become as much a part of a home as ‘a kettle or an oven’.

A viewer costs about $260, and automatically takes a photo through the peephole of anyone standing outside the door when a motion sensor is triggered.

Mr Chua said some 90 per cent of his customers are HDB residents, though he did not have an estimate of how many gadgets have been sold.

Another retailer, Mr Federick Chong, 39, from The Gadget Home, said such devices are well within the budget of home owners.

‘People change cellphones every year and some of these locks cost the same as a phone, but last seven to 10 years,’ said Mr Chong, who has sold about 600 locks to HDB residents in the last three years.

Some security experts say, however, that such high-tech gadgets are generally unnecessary, and that safety is better served by common- sense measures.

Mr Shane Shim, 46, an operations manager at private security company Westminster Investigation and Security Management, said most break-ins occur because residents are careless about locking up properly.

‘The main point of entry for most break-ins is not the main door but the windows, which can be pried open with a simple screwdriver,’ said Mr Shim, who felt that window grilles are enough of a deterrent.

‘Biometric locks are fine if you have the budget, but a good traditional lock will still do the job,’ he added.

Figures from the police show that home break-ins fell from 896 cases in 2010 to 705 last year.

Still, it is not just security that these gadgets provide.

Mr Andre Shori, 38, bought a biometric lock primarily for the convenience of going keyless.

‘I hated fumbling for keys while holding my child and bags,’ said the IT security specialist, who has a one-year-old daughter.

The five-room flat owner added: ‘Also, my friends think it’s the coolest thing because it beeps, lights up and looks really nice.’

Singapore Police install high tech CCTV Cameras to fight Crime

keywords: CCTV camera Singapore, fight crime

CCTV cameras help to fight crime. Singapore Police are using the high tech CCTV cameras to assist them. Low crime doesn’t mean no crime – Safer Singapore, we can all expect more!

The below is the report by The Straits Time on 20 April 2012. The source:

HIGH-TECH security cameras are being installed in the first phase of a new network that will eventually extend across the island.

More than 10 have been fitted in Jalan Bukit Merah, in a move that will give police a fresh tool to help tackle crime in the estate.

Unlike ordinary security cameras, the new system is designed to capture people both entering and leaving the area.

Residents in Jalan Bukit Merah are hoping that the technology will rid them of the loan shark runners who have defaced debtors’ doors, targeted neighbouring flats and vandalised motorbikes.

It could also prove a deterrent against other crimes. ‘People sell cigarettes illegally here, and sometimes the old people get cheated,’ said odd-job labourer Goh Mia Siang. ‘This gives the people more safety.’

The 62-year-old, who has lived in the area for more than 10 years, added that the cameras could be an extra eye for the police.

Six cameras have been installed in the estate’s carpark, covering four entry or exit points and two stairwells.

The other five are in the lobby and stairwells of a block of one-room flats.

When The Straits Times visited the area yesterday, most people there appeared to be senior citizens.

Some residents said that while they welcomed the move, simply having the cameras would not be enough. They would also need proper maintenance.

Electrician Loh Siew Tuck, 63, said he was glad the devices were being installed in the carpark, adding: ‘It’s a good deterrent against people’s cashcards being stolen from their vehicles, though we should keep a lookout for our own belongings as well.’

Signs will be put up to indicate that the cameras are run by the police. The devices will not be monitored live. However, if a crime happens within the camera zone, footage will be used to help with investigations.

Unused footage will be kept for a month, then overwritten. The police will be responsible for the cameras’ maintenance.

By 2016, the scheme will cover 10,000 HDB blocks and multi-storey carparks across Singapore.

The aim is to have 300 fitted by May in seven areas, including Bishan, Tampines and Woodlands. These locations were chosen to represent different parts of the country and a spread of housing types, said the police. Existing cameras, which were installed in several estates on an ad-hoc basis from 2002, will continue to operate.

The new network was announced in Parliament last month by Second Minister for Home Affairs S. Iswaran as part of a new police strategy that aims to make full use of technology.

Other aspects of the Community Policing System include round-the-clock access to automated services at Neighbourhood Police Posts and a new unit which will see officers patrolling on foot and bicycles in casual clothes.

There have been several cases of cameras helping to solve crimes. In February, a 22-year-old man was arrested a day after breaking into a restaurant and stealing about $3,000. He was identified using security footage.

A 48-year-old dubbed the ‘heartbeat molester’ was caught in November 2010 after pictures of him taken by a security camera were published in the media.

Described as Singapore’s worst serial molester, Martin Tan Chye Guan operated in the heartland, preying on young girls returning home from school. He would ask them to feel his heartbeat then expose himself and force them to touch him.

The parcel courier and part-time property agent evaded capture for more than a decade because his young victims were unable to give a proper description.

Tan was sentenced to 10 years in jail and 21 strokes of the cane last April.

The police said they hope to deter other such criminals, as well as offenders like snatch thieves.

How to Set up CCTV & Useful Tools

Basic Requirements
1. Recommended Browsers to use: IE, Firefox, Chrome, Safari
2. Check that you have activated Javascript for your browser: (Test whether it is working)
For Internet Explorer
Go to “Tools” -> Go to “Internet Options” -> Click on “Security” tab -> Go to “Custom Level” button -> Under Scripting category check Active Scripting and Scripting of Java applets -> Click “OK” to save settings
For Firefox version
Go to “Tools” -> Go to “Options” -> Click on “Content” -> Ensure that “Enable JavaScript” is checked -> Click on “OK” to save settings
For Safari
Go to “Edit” -> Go to “Preferences” -> Click on “Security” -> Ensure that “Enable JavaScript” is checked

Steps to Set Up (Guaranteed Success Steps by
Our team will be responsible to configure your internet/domain name/wireless router settings for you. No worry about it!

Tools that might help:
TeamViewer – remotely connect and configure a client’s PC

Other issues you might pay attention to
1. To view in M-JPEGJava must be installed on client-side PC. Download it here. (Test if Java is working and trouble shooting.)
2. To view in QuickTimeQuickTime player must be installed on client-side PC. Download it here
3. To view in VLCVLC player must be installed on client-side PC. Download it here

IP Check Tool
Open Port Check Tool
Steps to set up the DVR (password protected. We will config for you for free, if you are our customer.)

CCTV Camera List

(The information on the page may have been outdated. Please refer to: CCTV Camera products for the most updated information about the CCTV camera.)

Still don’t know how to select a CCTV camera package which suits your needs? Don’t worry, we have the CCTV Camera Selector to help you.

Camera ModelFeatures
SafeTrolley 1033EHigh Resolution IR Dome Camera520TV Lines, SHARP ChipNight Vision (Able to record in total darkness)21 LED, Effective IR Range Reaches up to 15 meters
SafeTrolley 5306Super High Resolution IR Dome Camera600TV Lines, SONY ChipNight Vision (Able to record in total darkness)21 LED, Effective IR Range Reaches up to 15 meters
Safetrolley 6304High Resolution Mini Dome CameraMini Dome, Elegant Design520TV LinesSONY Chip
Samsung SCD-2030Super High Resolution Mini Dome CameraMini Size Dome, Elegant Design600TV Line
SafeTrolley 4082Super High Resolution Vari-focal Dome Cameras600TV LinesSONY ChipAdjustable Focus Lens (f3.8 ~ f9.5mm)
SafeTrolley 1036EHigh Resolution IR Outdoor CameraIP67 Standard Approved Waterproof Casing520TV Lines, SHARP ChipNight Vision (Able to record in total darkness)21 LED Light (IR Effective Distance: Up to 15 meters)
SafeTrolley 1038EHigh Resolution IR Outdoor CameraIP67 Standard Approved Waterproof Casing520TV Lines, SHARP ChipNight Vision (Able to record in total darkness)21 LED Light (IR Effective Distance: Up to 15 meters)
SafeTrolley 6452Super High Resolution IR Outdoor CameraIP67 Standard Approved Waterproof Casing600TV Lines, SONY ChipNight Vision (Able to record in total darkness)21 LED Light (IR Effective Distance: Up to 15 meters)
SafeTrolley 6307THigh Resolution IR Outdoor CameraIP67 Standard Approved Waterproof Casing520TV Lines, SONY ChipNight Vision (Able to record in total darkness)21 LED Light (IR Effective Distance: Up to 15 meters)
SafeTrolley 1048EHigh Resolution IR Outdoor CameraIP67 Standard Approved Waterproof Casing520TV Lines, SHARP ChipNight Vision (Able to record in total darkness)35 LED Light (IR Effective Distance: Up to 35 meters)
SafeTrolley 1049HHigh Resolution IR Outdoor CameraIP67 Standard Approved Waterproof Casing520TV Lines, SHARP ChipNight Vision (Able to record in total darkness)56 LED Light (IR Effective Distance: Up to 40 meters)
SafeTrolley 4012ASuper High Resolution Box Camera600TV Lines, SONY ChipAdjustable Focus LensAuto Iris (Auto Lens Adjustment According to Lighting Condition)Build-in Microphone
Samsung SCP-2120Super High Resolution PTZ CameraPan & Tilt &Zoom (PTZ)360 Degree Viewing12X Optical Zoom600TV Line
SafeTrolley 1024RHidden CameraPinhole Type Hidden Camera420TV Lines, SHARP ChipHigh reliability 
SafeTrolley 5311Hidden CameraSmoke Detector Type Hidden Camera420TV Lines, SHARP ChipHigh reliability
SafeTrolley 5312Hidden CameraPIR Case Hidden Camera420TV Lines, SHARP ChipHigh reliability

Our Clients

Focusing on security solutions such as CCTVs, Door Access, Digital Locks, Fingerprint Locks, etc for Singapore homes and businesses, our team have served more than 5,000 business clients, and over 9,000 home owners, in Singapore. We are proud that we have been always here with you, providing you with best security solutions; we are glad to see that our products add value to your business operation, ease your job, and make your place much safer.

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IP camera is the most reliable and accessible invention for foolproof security. Due to this invention, the surveillance system has become more reliable and secure. This technology has enabled you to connect the CCTV camera to the network. Now you can view the CCTV camera videos through a network from any location. IP camera Singapore also allows you to record the video on network drive. In many cases, it has been noticed that the burglars took away the DVR after attempting criminal act. Even installing the CCTV camera Singapore, the homeowner could not be able to identify the culprits. The recording of the evidence could not made available too. In fact, the surveillance system was itself on the risk of theft. IP camera surveillance system has enhanced the security because now your video is safe on the network.

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All possible measures have been taken to restrict unauthorized access to the safe box. Currently, key safe box, electronic/digital safe box and multi-lock system safe box have been introduced in the market. The advancement of technology has unveiled multiple options for the safe box manufacturer Singapore to make high-quality safe box and safe chest products. Brands of safe box includes Yale safeSentry SafeDiplomat Safe, Nika Safe, LuCell Safe.

server rack is a structure consisting of vertical columns and horizontal shelves that form a frame. This frame works as a special support for different kinds of computerized systems with special requirements. Server racks offer an excellent solution when it comes to find an optimal distribution, space saving and efficiency.

Keywords: HikVision, Dahua, CCTV Camera, IP Camera, wireless IP camera, CCTV SingaporeCCTV installation Singapore, HD-TVI CCTV camera from Hikvision, HDCVI CCTV Camera from Dahua, Nanny Camera, DVR, NVR, Digital Door Lock, Home Safe Box, Cloze Passage, Office Access Control, Yale Digital Lock, Fingerprint Lock, Digital Safe, Yale safe boxServer Rack

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