
How to choose a safe deposit box for home?


The safe deposit box is the requirement of every home because not everything is secure in the safe. Usually, the home safe is used to keep the daily use items and everyone one at home opens and locks the safe frequently. Keeping the personal documents/assets like passport, ID cards, and precious jewelry in the usual home safe is the compromise on the security of these assets. The precious and personal assets are not only at the risk of theft but there are many other factors leading to damage/misplace of these valuable items. Therefore, you always need a safe deposit box for home to keep your personal belongings and precious jewelry items. This article reflects the factors to be considered while choosing and buying a safe deposit box for home in Singapore.

Buying a safe deposit box needs great care and wide thinking. You might be buying it for the first time. Actually, theft and burglary are not only hazards for which you need a safe box. Many other factors need to be focused while buying a safe box for home.

Burglary resistant Safe deposit box

The basic aim of safe chest box is to protect your valuables from robbers and burglars. So, the safe must have reasonable resistance against this factor. Usually, the deposit safe boxes for offices, banks, and stores are more resistant and powerful; however, you must select a possibly heavy resistant safe for home as well. The following few points will help you to buy a safe product with possible resistance against theft and burglary.

The lock system of the safe is the first barrier to resist the theft incident. That is why; every company focuses on this feature and installs possible complicated locking system in the safe box. Currently, the safe deposit boxes with technology locks are available in the market, which produces reasonable resistance against unlocking the safe by unauthorized person.

The weight of the safe is the next barrier to resist the burglars. Although, this is a temporary nature; however, many robbery acts have been reported as fail due to portability factor.

If the material is strong, it will also produce resistance while cutting the safe. Therefore, the safe deposit box must be heavy in weight and manufactured with strong material.

Water resistant safe deposit box

Water resistance is the essential feature for a safe box because you have to protect your documents and valuables. Therefore, the safe must be reasonably water resistant. The waterproof safe deposit box also ensures the safety of your documents and valuables during flood and rains.

Fire resistant safe deposit box

The outbreak of fire is the common issue of the world due to different reasons. You might be knowing about the past incidents of fire in your area where someone has lost his/her important documents and valuables (like cash and jewelry etc). The safe manufacturing companies have given proper attention to this factor. Currently, a large number of fire resistant safe products are brought in the market.

Right size product according to the available space

Most of the customers make a common mistake that they don’t think about the available right place for the safe deposit box. The placement issue arises after bringing the safe at home. Currently, the safe deposit boxes are available in different sizes. So, get proper measurement of the space you allocate for the safe box. Usually, people keep their safe box inside the home safe; however, you can better decide about the location. In all the cases, the space factor must be considered while buying a safe deposit box for home.

Happy Rooster Year! Our Holiday Arrangement & Promotion

First of all, Happy Chinese New Year from team of! Wish everybody good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year. Wish everybody a prosperous Rooster Year!

We, SafeTrolley, are going to have the Chinese New Year holiday from 27 to 30 Jan 2017. During this period, no delivery or installation will be arranged.

Installation of CCTV cameras, IP cameras, office door access control system, EM locks, alarm system, intercom system, etc will start from 31 Jan 2017; the delivery of the safe box will start from 1 Feb 2017 onward. The installation of the digital door locks will start from 6 Feb 2016 onward. All the orders received during Chinese New Year holiday will be processed on 31 Jan 2017.

You are welcome to send us your inquiries during the holiday period. We will reply to you ASAP when our office opens on 31 Jan. Appreciate your understanding!

As for support matters, if you experience any issues for CCTV camera, IP Cameras, NVR, DVR, Door Access Control System, etc, please also send us emails. Our support team will check emails (but may not be very frequent). So please expect some delay in response. But rest assure that we will take care of your issues as early as possible from 31 Jan.

We know that we won't be around if you have any questions before purchasing a product, especially safe boxes. To compensate it, you will be given 10% discount for the safe boxes (brands included are Yale, Nika, SentrySafe, Diplomat is not included) when you purchase online and make payment by credit card or Paypal. The coupon code is "goldenrooster". Validity period is from 26-30 Jan 2017 (30 Jan inclusive). Free delivery will still be offered.

If you don't know how to use coupon code, here is the instruction page on how to use it

Again, we sincerely wish you a prosperous Rooster Year! GONG XI FA CAI!

5 Reasons for Switching from Analog CCTV camera to IP Camera Surveillance System

The CCTV camera video surveillance system has become very important tool for home and office security. No doubt, the video surveillance system has enhanced the security. However, it can be made more successful with the addition of latest technology. Many companies have enhanced the video and image quality by adding cameras that are more powerful in the surveillance system. The addition of HD cameras in the security system provides more clear image and video of the occurrence. The clear video helps the investigation team to conclude the reports more quickly and virtuously.

In the early security systems, analog CCTV camera was used to capture the image and videos. This security system is still in use at many homes and offices. Although, the capturing result of the analog CCTV camera is low quality. Sometimes, it becomes very difficult to identify the culprits involved in the occurrence. With the passage of time, the latest HD cameras have been invented for office and home security. Moreover, the video recording options have also been modified and enhanced. Currently, IP camera is the most secure and effective surveillance system for home and office security. The homeowners and businessmen are switching their security system from analog CCTV camera to IP camera network. This article includes the top 5 reasons for switching from analog CCTV camera to IP camera surveillance system.

1. Better quality of sound and video:

IP camera system provides better quality of sound and video. The video and sound quality of the analog CCTV camera are usually interfered due to electrical noise and poor connectivity, especially when the distance from camera and DVR is more than one hundred meters. The IP camera is more resistant against electrical noise.

2. Security of recorded evidence:

In many cases, the robbers also take way the DVR device while attempting robbery. So, the victim cannot provide any recorded proof of the evidence. On the other hand, the NVR save the video directly on the network. The IP camera surveillance system is more safe and secure for recording the evidence.

3. Enhanced accessibility and manageability

The IP camera system is easier to manage and access. Now the user can view and video files from anywhere. Even you can access the videos of IP camera network through mobile applications and remote clouds. Simply, you need the internet connection to view and manage the files saved through NVR.

4. Easy power management:

The analog CCTV camera system needs separate power cables to operate cams whereas the IP camera mostly runs through POE (power on Ethernet). IP camera eliminates the issue of connecting separate power cables.

5. Cost effective for remote business management:

Although, the initial cost of NVR is slightly higher than DVR; however, the IP camera system is cheap and easy to modify and enhance. This system is ideal for attaching more cameras. The unique feature of IP camera surveillance system is the remote management of the business. The IP cam security system allows access to store and to manage the data of any work group from different locations. Therefore, the business can be managed remotely from multiple locations.

Want to install HikVision IP/HD-TVI Surveillance CCTV Camera for your home or office? Browse various types of HikVision IP Surveillance CCTV Camera packages, or find out more distinct features of our High Resolution IP Surveillance Cameras with NVR!

Residents Bring Up 'White Elephant' Buangkok MRT During Minister's Visit

28 August, 2005

In Singapore: Punggol South residents have tried again to get Buangkok MRT Station opened - in not so many words, but the message was just as clear. 

Eight white elephants were erected at the station to indicate just what they thought the MRT station is now. They did this during Community Development, Youth and Sports Minister Vivian Balakrishnan's visit to the area on Sunday. At the start of his visit, Dr Balakrishnan got to see how Punggol South, which used to be a fishing village, has grown to become an urban, modern town. Sungei Serangoon, formerly the lifeline of fishermen here, now sees more water sports such as canoeing and kayaking. Then it was off to four more stops where the minister got to meet residents. 

But along the way was an unexpected sight -- eight white cardboard elephants in various poses lined the road that leads to Buangkok MRT station. And the message was not lost on the minister. Said Dr Balakrishnan, "I saw eight white elephants on the roadside leading up to the station. I think there's a message which some residents wanted to send to me. I thought since I'm there I might as well take a look at the station." The issue of Buangkok Station was also brought up at a dialogue with residents later. Said Dr Balakrishnan, "Let me say that your message is taken, you don't need to convince me. I understand your wish to have the station open, I understand your frustration - the thing is ready and yet the gate is not open but the PM has said two or three years, Mr Yeo Cheow Tong has said that once you have 2,000 units. It's just a matter of time." 

MP for the area Charles Chong said that complaints from residents tapered off in 2003, but flared up again recently when the transport fare hike was announced. Said Mr Chong, "The bus fare went up, ERP gantries went up - it sort of resurrected a lot of their frustrations … Every day when they see the site and not being able to use it and incurring higher transport costs for a station that's further away, I think this has irritated quite a lot of them." 

Mr Chong plans to bring up the issue again when parliament sits next month. He said, "I think the PM has already said when he opened the NE line that the station will be opened within two to three years. This month is already two years. I think that next month when parliament sits I will file a question again on when the station will be opened. And if they can't give us a firm date of when it will be open, then they should give us reasons that we have not heard before." Buangkok Station has always been a bone of contention for residents here. 

Completed in 2003, it is still not operational, the reason being that there are not enough commercial or residential developments within 400 metres of the area. Other issues that residents brought up include post-secondary education for all students, under the plan mapped out by Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong at the National Day Rally. Dr Balakrishnan said the focus now on polytechnics and ITEs is a signal that there is hope for all Singaporeans to advance in many different ways. Said Dr Balakrishnan, "What we are most worried about is students who drop out of school, and then they have nothing to do, hang around the void decks and get engaged in undesirable activities and their future is lost . Everybody, everybody must go beyond secondary schools. If you have dropped out now, please look for ways to get back into schools and come to the MPs and community and we will get you reintegrate into the education system." He urged students to seize the various opportunities available to go to university as well.

Original source: Channel News Asia. Original URL: dead link

CCTV Singapore

How to Open a Sentry Safe with Combination?

Do you have a Sentry Safe with combination codes, but struggle to find out how to open it? Here are the step by step guide for you to follow:

How to Open a Sentry Safe with Combination?

To open a Sentry Safe with combination, you can follow the below steps:

  1. Open the door of the safe, and ensure those shipping screws have been removed (if any)
  2. Find the combination code on the user manual (usually there is a sticker on the user manual)
  3. If you are using a dual key/combination model of the Sentry Safe, insert the key into the keyhole, push in and turn to “unlock” position.
  4. Now you are about to open the Sentry Safe. First of all turn the dial to ‘0’, then turn right (clockwise) passing number ‘0’ for THREE times, continue turning the dial until you reach the first number of your combination codes.
  5. Secondly, turn the dial to the left (counter-clockwise). You need to pass the second number of your combination codes ONCE and stop at the SECOND time when the dial reaches the your second combination code number.
  6. Thirdly, turn the dial to the right again (clockwise), stop when you reach the third combination code number in your combination on your first try (ONLY ONCE)
  7. Turn the handle downward to open the door of the safe.

It's open now! Note that the number of times will matter when you open the Sentry Safe! Enjoy using!

CCTV Installation in Singapore & How Much It Will Cost

Safety is a concern for almost everyone around the world, from the domestic environment to the corporative settings, which demand effective solutions that ensure the well-being of families and workers as well as the preservation of assets and valuable objects.

This need for safety grows greater every day in Singapore as the number of crimes and robberies rise, so the protection of everyone and everything inside your company or home becomes a priority. On the other hand, most Singapore families have found it necessary to work all day, leaving their children’s care in hands of domestic helpers. Sometimes it is hard for the parents to trust in them and they might want to be sure their kids are in good hands. And not only children, but the elderly also often need to be taken care of by people you do not know so well, so the goal is to make sure your kids and your elder relatives are safe and sound.

What are the main benefits of CCTV installation in Singapore?

As said before, there are certain situations nowadays that make it necessary to count on a reliable system capable of providing a fast response in case of an unwanted event such as robbery, crime, abuse, etc. An effective surveillance system will alert the authorities about the incident so they react in time to prevent further damages in your house or company. And, worst-case scenario, at least it will be easier to determine the responsibilities of those types of events.

But a CCTV installation is not only useful in those cases. Productivity can also be a target of the cameras in the workplace, since they can be used to remotely monitor workers on all departments and verify they are not wasting time during working hours. That way it is possible to make the proper calls to action and get the desired profits from the company.

Another good use of a CCTV system in a company is the safety of workers. In case of an accident, this will allow the emergency department to rapidly address the situation as well as helping the investigation of its causes.

Also, household uses of a CCTV installation in Singapore have been even suggested by local authorities due to the rising number of break-ins that has taken place lately. So crime prevention is a strong reason for installing cameras at home to protect your belongings.

Even for the simplest reasons, such as keeping an eye on your kids while they are alone at home, a CCTV system is a great choice that will allow you to be sure that your beloved ones and valuable objects are safe.

How much does CCTV installation in Singapore cost?

Price ranges are variable. The cost to install CCTV in Singapore will depend on certain factors such as:

  • The number of cameras/channels: Depending on how many areas you want to cover, the number of cameras goes from 1 to 64, or even higher number, which need the right amount of channels to support them.
  • CCTV Camera resolution: This usually goes from 1MP up to 3MP. Evidently, a higher resolution camera will provide a clearer image and the possibility of better zooming if needed (for example, to identify someone or a vehicle’s plate). So the final use of the system is something to take into account when deciding this matter.
  • CCTV Camera Type: There are 3 types of cameras that can be considered. You can choose from analog CCTV Camera, HD analog CCTV camera or IP cameras; although the first is the most affordable option, HD analog CCTV camera and IP cameras offer more possibilities regarding effectiveness since they provide enhanced images. Furthermore, IP cameras are connected to a network and they can activate an alarm if there has been a security breach, transmitting the information to your security provider. Additionally, this type of CCTV installations offer the possibility of remote viewing (and even managing cameras and recording video) from your smartphone or laptop/PC from anywhere in the world by accessing the IP address or via DDNS domain name.
  • CCTV Camera Design: Dome, Hidden and Infrared CCTV cameras are the most popular designs available in the market. Choosing one of them will vary according to the size of the area you need to cover, if cameras must stay undetected or if there are low light conditions.
  • CCTV Video Recorder type: Recording the footage from your CCTV system is often an important need, especially for companies and businesses. Digital Video Recorders (DVR) or Network Video Recorders (NVR) are the main solutions for it, and the difference between them is the type of camera they support - analog CCTV camera for the first, IP camera for the last. So, choosing the Video Recording type for your CCTV camera installation is something you decide along with the camera type, although it is possible to combine both analog and IP cameras and make it work with a hybrid NDVR (Network Digital Video Recording). On the other hand, you should consider factors such as the need of a real time recording (which requires more frames per second, which means how many pictures the system will record in a second) or not, the Hard Drive Storage Capacity -which will determine the recording time (number of days) the system can store before rewriting on the first video- and to consider that the camera resolution and the compression format will affect the recording time. These factors need to be evaluated when making a decision. Finally, you’ll have to choose from an Embedded VR (a device originally designed to work as a Video Recorder) or a PC-based VR (a modified PC with special hardware and software to the same effect). Although Embedded Video Recorders have more stable operative systems, PC-based VRs offer a better way of interaction with the users since they are operated by means of screens and menus.

Typically, the costs may vary from $550 for the most basic arranges to $2,500, for more complex and complete systems and companies often include installation services and warranty in their prices. Keep in mind that the more features a CCTV installation offers, the more expensive it will be, so it is important to establish your real needs so the system is truly adapted to them and the available budget.

What is the most accurate option for a CCTV installation in Singapore?

Most people in Singapore are considering (if they haven’t already installed one) to get a surveillance camera set due to the current break-ins and burglary rates, as well as inventory thefts in warehouses and other types of business. So the first thing to do to choose the right CCTV system is to define the purpose of it, if it will be installed in a house or in a fabric and the coverage in terms of the area that needs to be monitored and if you need indoor/outdoor (or both) cameras; this will give you an idea of how many of them you need as well as their design, type of CCTV camera and resolution.

Second of all, consider the real needs regarding remote viewing capability in order to choose the most appropriate technology and make a precise investment. Also, determine the features you want to have available, such as motion detection, alarms (which not only can alert your security provider but also contact the fire department in case of a fire, for example), amongst other options. By doing this, you can make the right choice about the capacity of the system and build up a complete CCTV installation that covers all your requirements. 

How to choose the best provider of CCTV installation in Singapore?

Finding a good CCTV installation company in Singapore might be difficult since there are many providers of these services. It is recommended to choose from those who are licensed or certifies in order to assure their professionalism and quality. Also, reputation and customers’ opinions must be taken into account because they are a good indicator of how good is the company’s service level. Remember you are going to trust them with your own security, so it is essential for you to choose a provider that gives you enough reliance and confidentiality.

This leads to find out about the Customer Service and Maintenance the company offers, before and after sales. It is desirable to hire a provider who gives advice about the best options for you before installation, offers upgrades as technology changes, provides training for an appropriate use of all devices and, last but not least, has an excellent after-sales service which gives you the benefit of a fast response in case of failure.

Warranty of all the equipment is a must when it comes to a CCTV installation. Most companies offer it for 1 or 2 years for both products and services, but just make sure your choice includes it.

Also, take some time to check the brands of the equipment the company installs. This can be a fair way to know what kind of technology they are able to work with and, at the same time, you can be sure it suits your requirements.

In conclusion, a CCTV installation in Singapore is a necessity that has been increasing in recent years, whether at home or in your business, so it is useful to evaluate the different options offered in the market. The protection of your family and properties is something to be carefully considered and it should be trusted to a reliable provider who can fulfill your requirements so that safety is well-covered instead of being an issue.

Remote Support

Remote Support

We use HelpWire to provide remote assistance.

Please ensure you use a computer (desktop or laptop) to follow these instructions. Mobile devices or iPads are not supported.

Make sure you are connected to the same local network as your CCTV or door access control system. Follow these steps:

  1. Submit a Support Request: Begin by completing the online support request form: online support request form here.
  2. Download the HelpWire App: Click the support link we send via email or WhatsApp. The HelpWire app will automatically download.
  3. Run the Application: Open the downloaded software.
  4. Grant Access: When prompted, click "Grant Access" in the message box.

For Windows users, this completes the process.

Mac users, however, must grant additional permissions for "Screen Recording" and "Accessibility". Please refer to the provided screenshots for guidance.

Enable "HelpWire Wise Group Pte Ltd" in both Accessibility and Screen Recording.

That will be all. Just leave the rest of the work to us!

How CCTV Works

Closed circuit TV camera, typically abbreviated as CCTV camera, comprises at least one camera transmitting data to a monitor or video recorder. The data transmitted can either be video and audio, or video only. A CCTV camera must never be mistaken for an ordinary TV. An ordinary television receives publicly broadcasted contents while a CCTV doesn’t. In everyday use, CCTV cameras are fitted on buildings, gates, and other structures purely for surveillance purposes. The closed circuit system can either be used to monitor live proceedings like in a supermarket or documented for later reference.

CCTV camera components and their working

The complete closed circuit TV system (CCTV system) consists of:

  • Security Cameras (Analog or Digital Camera)
  • Cables (RJ45 or RJ59 Cables)
  • Video recorders (DVR or NVR)
  • Storage unit - typically Hard disk 
  • A display unit (Optional, such as a Monitor)

Security Camera

Security camera captures the video of the source. An opened aperture at the front of the camera captures light stream through the camera lens. The light stream is captured by a digital chip that is fitted inside the camera and is converted into the continuous stream of images. The camera records the signal to be transmitted either through cables or wirelessly. The distance between the camera and the object is determined by the camera lens specifications. 

Infrared Light Emitting Diodes (IR LEDs) are used as sensing devices in CCTV cameras. The light sensor is used to detect the ambient light level i.e. it detects the brightness of light it receives and transforms it into a numeric value that tells the percentage of brightness.

Due to the digital technology employed in data recording and processing, it is possible to receive sharp images, clear audio and fewer signal interferences from the wireless cameras. This type of camera is often referred as “IP Camera” (we will talk in more details later)


The cables are just the wires that are used to connect different equipments like CCTV camera, monitor, recorders, modem etc. in a CCTV camera setup. For CCTV cameras, the cables used are either RJ45 or RJ59 cables. These cables,  if RJ59, may include BNC connectors to connect camera to video output (such as Monitor), power connectors etc. As for a RJ45 cable, cat 5e or cat 6 cables are most frequently used in CCTV camera setup.

Video recorders

When a CCTV camera sends video signals that might be useful at a later date it must be documented somewhere. There are two main types of recorders namely digital and analog recorders. Nowadays, Digital Video Recorders (DVRs) or Network Video Recorders (NVRs) are used to record CCTV camera footage. 

Digital Video Recorders (DVR)

Digital Video Recorder, or DVR, stores the transmitted video images in either stand-alone devices or an external storage backup system. The basic working principles of analog recorders and DVRs are closely related except that digital video recorders document the data in digital format. The video data is coded, stored and processed at DVR only. DVR can be easily accessed through a web browser, or CCTV centralised software, or a mobile application.

The number of images recorded on a digital video recorder depends on the following factors:

  • The desired number of frames to be recorded in every second
  • The total number of CCTV cameras linked to the DVRs
  • The video image compression technique used.
  • The DVRs image resolution, bitrate, etc

Network Video Recorder (NVR)

The NVR work same as DVR, only the difference is the inputs. Unlike DVR, the NVR takes its input from a network rather than the direct connection to a video capture device. NVR always works with IP camera. The video on the NVR is coded and processed at the IP camera and is stored on it for remote viewing. Furthermore, some additional functions like compression or tagging with Meta data can be done on NVR. The surveillance systems with NVR can be either wire, or wireless (By the way, wireless NVR works well theoretically, but in reality, wireless NVR is not the main stream because of the stability issue with the wireless signal), and can also be easily accessed through a web browser, or CCTV centralised software, or a mobile application.

Hard Disk

The Hard disk is a storage device which stores the video captured by the security camera so that it can be used later. These CCTV hard disks are fitted within the video recorders. To view the video recordings on the hard disk, you can directly connect the DVR or NVR to monitor. 

Note that you should always choose those “surveillance grade” hard disks, which are designed to run 24x7 and made more durable compared with normal computer hard disks.

A display unit (Monitor)

The display unit, or a monitor, takes the video image from DVR, or NVR and outputs it on the screen. You can see the video or image on screen that is been captured by the camera. The monitor can be a monochrome screen or a colored screen. Nowadays, High Definition (HD) colored LED monitors are quite commonly used to watch the videos.

Different Categories of CCTV cameras

There are many ways to categorised CCTV cameras. We will use the following subheadings to classify CCTV cameras systems: 

Wired and wireless CCTVs

All CCTV systems have to record and transmit the documented picture. Based on transmission mode there exist two categories of CCTV cameras; 

  • Wired cameras, those that transmit their video signals via a cable
  • Wireless cameras that require no signal transmission cable

Wired CCTV systems typically use a communication cable similar to the one feeding antennas (RF cable). One major drawback in using wired CCTV cameras is that as the transmission range increases more than 300 meters, the signal may become weaker. To manage the problem, one should consider using appropriate networking cables (for example  Cat6), as well as adding switches on the halfway, or use high-quality signal boosters. 

In a multichannel closed circuit TV system, several cameras are strategically placed at various locations and can be designed to be interconnected through a multi-viewer circuit to allow close monitoring from a single computer or screen. 

For a small house, to have non-messy interconnection, a multichannel system can use wireless CCTV cameras. Such cameras would negate transmission cables as only power lines would be a must, hence leaving behind a neat finishing. The wireless CCTV camera communication can cover 20 meters or even more. This might make such cameras ideal for complex structures.

But, the big drawbacks are the strength of the wireless signal, which is determined by the infrastructure of how you design your wireless network. Scientific research has already shown that wireless signal can drop by up to 90% if it goes through a concrete wall with steel inside. This can become a big issue when connecting the wireless CCTV cameras - unstable connection, hence loss of video records, is simply can’t be accepted for surveillance CCTV cameras.

Analog CCTV camera ( uses DVR) or Internet Protocol (IP Camera) (uses NVR) CCTV

Leaving technologies behind, to normal users, the primary difference between analog and more digitalized IP camera is the video image quality, in term of sharpness and video image resolution. The IP cameras come under wired or wireless category of CCTV camera. IP cameras use NVR and can provide a much higher image resolution (megapixels) than the conventional analog TVL CCTV cameras. IP cameras are therefore preferred conventional analog TVL cameras due to the following reasons:

  • They require less amount of cables to be installed: a POE IP cameras require only one networking cable connecting it to the video recorder.
  • Provides much sharper images than analog cameras
  • IP digital signals are not so prone to signal interference
  • IP cameras are easily accessible through a Web browser.

However, one major drawback in using IP surveillance cameras is that they are costly. A better option might be considering to use analog HD CCTV, in this article, we use HikVision HD-TVI CCTV camera as illustration. Although analog in nature, HikVision HD-TVI surveillance CCTV cameras can give high definition video images and possess night vision capability. 

One point worth noting about HD-TVI CCTV cameras is that they are compatible with the older analog non-HD types. Hence, one can easily upgrade to the HD-TVI CCTV cameras.

How an IP camera operates

Internet protocol cameras (IP Cameras) provide surveillance function but through a digital network. These cameras rely on the computer network-both in sending and receiving information. The connection can either be through the wires (cat5e or Cat6) or Wi-Fi.

  • Since the data exchange is through the internet, the operator doesn’t need to be in a fixed location all the time.
  • When you connect an IP camera to network, and you can monitor your premises from any location.
  • You just have to open the web browser on Computer, enter the Static IP address / or DDNS domain name of the camera, to watch the live feed; or you can just open smart phone application to do so. 
  • Though the IP cameras are tiny, they have high resolution and even give a high definition.
  • These new-age IP cameras can be remotely accessed, controlled, and repositioned as desired. You don’t have to be physically near the camera to rotate it to a given angle.

Furthermore, some modern IP cameras are quite responsive to heat movement or sound. Therefore having been fixed in a room, the camera will only go live on the recording when there is an activity to be recorded. The IP camera won’t need to be adjusted to the direction of the incident; due to its sensitiveness to sound, it will automatically detect the origin of the sound and rotate, tilt and record the event.

Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) is also an important function for IP cameras. This function helps to digitally enhance the image quality in some certain scenes, to cope up with difficult lighting conditions. They can differentiate objects even in low light situations. 

Typical uses of CCTV cameras

Crime detection or prevention

The chief use of CCTV cameras is for surveying an area with the aim of detecting and preventing crime. Most car parks, supermarkets, major stores and other public places fit surveillance cameras for this reason.

Industrial use

Monitoring of critical industrial processes mainly employs CCTV cameras and not human beings. This is very true in the case of chemical based or nuclear-based industries. For example, thermo-graphic CCTV cameras find unique application in nuclear fuel plant. 

Traffic use

The main cities do experience huge traffic congestion or accidents. Closed circuit cameras can then be fitted along the streets so as to automatically record any accident or indicate the roads with more traffic jam.

Used in schools

In many developed countries, CCTV camera system is used to keep a check on students who are prone to vandalizing school properties or those who find pleasure in bullying their colleagues.

Transport industry

 Surveillance cameras are also used in the transportation services. For example in an underground train, through the utilization of a surveillance camera, an operator can trace the passengers’ movements so as to know when to open or close the doors.

Monitoring employees

Major organizations and companies use CCTV cameras to keep track of employees in different sections. The cameras would send video signals for each process. Through that, it is possible to pinpoint for a delayed stage of production.

CCTV cameras are sometimes prone to vandalism hence rendering them ineffective. To overcome this problem, manufacturers, have come up with cameras which are resistive to different things like:

  • An explosion proof casing
  • Dust resistive housings
  • Bullet resistive casings

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IP camera is the most reliable and accessible invention for foolproof security. Due to this invention, the surveillance system has become more reliable and secure. This technology has enabled you to connect the CCTV camera to the network. Now you can view the CCTV camera videos through a network from any location. IP camera Singapore also allows you to record the video on network drive. In many cases, it has been noticed that the burglars took away the DVR after attempting criminal act. Even installing the CCTV camera Singapore, the homeowner could not be able to identify the culprits. The recording of the evidence could not made available too. In fact, the surveillance system was itself on the risk of theft. IP camera surveillance system has enhanced the security because now your video is safe on the network.

The invention of IP camera has opened lots of options for the homeowners to monitor their home remotely. Now everything happening at home is directly on the watch. Similarly, the business community is more beneficiary of this wonderful invention. The safety of the recording and accessibility options has increased the demand of IP camera in Singapore. CCTV Singapore industry is focusing more on IP camera because it is more secured way of recording the evidence. With the installation of IP camera surveillance system, you can have complete piece of mind. You have best reliable security system, which never fails to produce evidence.

Hikvision & Dahua are the world’s leading CCTV camera, IP Camera and Video Surveillance Equipment companies. HikVision and Dahua specializes in video surveillance products and technology, HikVision & Dahua designs and manufactures CCTV and video surveillance products. HikVision & Dahua has products ranging from CCTV camera, IP cameras, HD-TVI cameras, NVRs and DVRs to video management software.

A reliable and secure safe box is the basic requirement of every home and office. Everyone needs a safe and secure place to keep his/her valuables and personal belongings. You need a safe box to lock and safeguard your confidential documents, which you do not want to share with other. Even, there may be some special documents or belongings you won’t want to share with your family members. The protection against unauthorized access to the personal assets and documents is the basic aim for having a reliable and secure safe box. Safety of the precious, personal, and secret assets remained the problems of human being in every era. In every era, the efforts to make a secure and foolproof safe box were made by the experts. During the current technology era, having a secure safe box is also the basic priority of everyone. The latest technology is being used for manufacturing secure safe box. Singapore lock and safe box are well known all around the world due to reliability and safety. The safe deposit box Singapore is focusing more on the quality and features of the safe. The basic aim is to make the safe more secure and complicated to prevent unauthorized access.

All possible measures have been taken to restrict unauthorized access to the safe box. Currently, key safe box, electronic/digital safe box and multi-lock system safe box have been introduced in the market. The advancement of technology has unveiled multiple options for the safe box manufacturer Singapore to make high-quality safe box and safe chest products. Brands of safe box includes Yale safeSentry SafeDiplomat Safe, Nika Safe, LuCell Safe.

server rack is a structure consisting of vertical columns and horizontal shelves that form a frame. This frame works as a special support for different kinds of computerized systems with special requirements. Server racks offer an excellent solution when it comes to find an optimal distribution, space saving and efficiency.

Keywords: HikVision, Dahua, CCTV Camera, IP Camera, wireless IP camera, CCTV SingaporeCCTV installation Singapore, HD-TVI CCTV camera from Hikvision, HDCVI CCTV Camera from Dahua, Nanny Camera, DVR, NVR, Digital Door Lock, Home Safe Box, Cloze Passage, Office Access Control, Yale Digital Lock, Fingerprint Lock, Digital Safe, Yale safe boxServer Rack

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