What are common types of CCTV cameras?

There are three types of CCTV cameras in the market:

Conventional Analog CCTV cameras

This is a type of CCTV camera which has existed for a long time. These cameras’ resolution is in “TVL” - TV Lines. The video signal is analog. Here is the demo video from conventional analog CCTV camera: CCTV Video Demo of SafeTrolley 1200I Analog CCTV Camera

HD analog CCTV cameras

This is a type of CCTV camera which is to replace the conventional analog CCTV camera. The video image resolution can be 720P, 1080P, etc. The image sharpness is much better than conventional analog CCTV cameras. But it is still considered analog signal. Those commonly seen HD-TVI, AHD, HD-CVI refer to different standards of HD analog CCTV camera. Here is the demo video from HD analog (HD-TVI) CCTV camera: CCTV Video Demo of SafeTrolley HD-TVI CCTV Camera (1080P)

IP CCTV camera

This is fully digitalised CCTV camera. Because of it’s digital nature, compression and decompression is achieve at the camera level. Image quality, sharpness is much greater than conventional analog CCTV cameras, and better than HD analog CCTV cameras. Here is the demo video from IP CCTV camera: CCTV Video Demo of SafeTrolley S-Series HD IP CCTV Camera

10 Things to Know about Safe Box in Singapore

Many people use safe locks to protect their most important belongings such as special documents, jewelry and other valuable objects. There are different types of safes available in the market today. Before purchasing a safe deposit box in Singapore, there are certain things that a person should know.

How a Safe Box is Rated?

Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) inspects all safe boxes and provides special certification according to their quality. When the quality is rated by the number next to the letters “TL”, this rating tells about the number of minutes required by a skilled man to open the Safe box. If the safe has letters “TRTL”, it means that it provides protection against cutting torches. Those with “TXTL” letters stay strong against explosives, tools, tactics and torches. B-rated safes have the wall thickness of less than ½-inch and door thickness of less than 1-inch. C-rated safes have the same wall and door thickness as of B-rated safes but they are made of steel.

Which Size of a Safe Box is Better?

Bigger is better always. Don’t see what you need to put in today, but think about the future as well. Here at SafeTrolley.com you will find safe boxes of different sizes at reasonable rates.

How Fire Affects the Safe Box?

How your car feels in a hot summer day? It is the same thing that your belongings face inside the Safe Box at the time of fire. The fire resistant safes are designed to keep the temperature of the interior to such limit i.e. below 350°F / 177°C so money and papers inside remain protected. It is achieved by creating steam inside.

Which Fire Ratings to Go For?

Fire resistant safe with at least one hour of fire protection should be selected. Check our Fireproof Safes under each safe category to find some top fire resistant safe deposit box in Singapore.

Be Extra Careful with Media Files

Generally, fire resistant safe boxes are not designed to protect the media objects like hard drives, CDs, tapes, photographs, USB drives etc. For them, there are special media/ data safes that maintain the temperature below 135° and humidity lower than 85%.

Which Lock System is the Best?

Redundant locks are considered best because they have both – mechanical as well as electronic locks. It increases the hurdle for the burglar to break in. If one lock is overpowered, the other one is present to protect your belongings.

Service of Mechanical Lock is Necessary

If you have a safe box with the mechanical lock or you want to buy one, then it is recommended that you should get it serviced by a qualified safe box technician after every five years.

Always Anchor the Safe

It is an important aspect because it will be easy for a burglar to move the safe box to another place to open it with ease. The anchor holes come with the safes are good to hold them into concrete.

Don't Go Cheap Blindly

It makes sense sometimes to buy a really cheap safe box - you might only need it for a short period of time; or you will not put highly valuable stuff in the safe box; or you want to use it more like a "locker" rather than a safe. In these cases, yes, you can consider those cheap safe boxes. But in most other cases, you are protecting your most valuable asset in the safe box so it is highly necessary to invest right. Buy once to protect your belongings for years.

How to Select a Safe?

Selecting the safe box is easy if you take help from an expert. Visit SafeTrolley.com and know which safe box fulfils all your needs.

How to use phone in accessing CCTV camera?

This is the general knowledge of access CCTV camera, IP camera through mobile phones. For our customers, we will do the job of the settings and configurations required for CCTV cameras and IP Cameras.

How to use phone in accessing CCTV camera?

First of all, you will need to use the mobile app that CCTV camera supplier provides (or if you have your own proprietary app). Example is like ivms-4500 for HikVision CCTV camera: How to Use HikVision CCTV App iVMS-4500 on iPhone & Android

Secondly, you need to decide how to access the CCTV camera: direct access or go through a third-party server (in market, people call it “plug-and-play”, “p2p”, or similar names  

  • Direct Access: you are directly communicating between your phone and your CCTV camera. This method doesn’t go through any third-party server. This is faster, more secure way to bridge the connection. But it might require you to have some basic network knowledge, such as DDNS, Port Forwarding, etc to get the job done.
  • “Plug-and-Play”: this is for those who have no network knowledge, or prefer some simple ways to connect with the CCTV camera. The basic logic is, your CCTV camera is already pre-registered on a server (usually provided by the supplier). All you need to do is to activate it. The connection will be your phone -> server -> CCTV camera. Plug-and-play method is really simple to set your CCTV camera up, but I advise that you always choose those big names in CCTV camera for this service. Because of the nature of additional server, how they design the whole server system is the key to the security of your CCTV camera.

Articles on CCTV Camera, IP Camera, Safe Box and more

Our web articles describe topics such as CCTV Camera, IP Camera, video surveillance, camera installation, safe box, digital door locks, etc. All the articles are original, updated regularly, and well prepared for our customers in Singapore, and for readers from anywhere.

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Want to know what are the 10 Best Selling Safes in Singapore in 2016? Read here!

Angle of Coverage of CCTV Camera and IP Camera

You must have heard of Angle of Coverage of CCTV Camera and IP Camera. What is it exactly? Find out here.

Can CCTV Camera & IP Camera record sound?

You know that CCTV Camera and IP camera records video. Can they record sound? What are the limitations? Read the article here: Can CCTV Camera & IP Camera record sound?, then you will have a better idea.

10 Things to Know about Safe Box in Singapore

Considering buying a safe box for your home or office? Then you should definitely know You know these 10 Things to Know about Safe Box in Singapore. You will make a better purchase decision after reading the article.

What is Bitrate of CCTV Camera and IP Camera?

Too many times, you heard the word "bitrate" when you shop around CCTV Camera and IP Cameras. What is bitrate exactly? And how will it affect the video quality and storage? Read the article, What is Bitrate of CCTV Camera and IP Camera?.

Best positions to install a CCTV camera for office security

Are you planning to move to a new office? Or your exsiting office needs more security protections? Check out this article, Best positions to install a CCTV camera for office security, learn the best locations to install the CCTV cameras for your office.

Uses of CCTV cameras in Singapore Other than Crime Prevention

The primary use of CCTV Camera in Singapore and many other parts of the world is crime prevention. There are many proven reports which show that CCTV camera placement leads to the reduction of crime rate in the area. What are the uses of CCTV cameras in Singapore Other than Crime Prevention? Find out this article: Uses of CCTV cameras in Singapore Other than Crime Prevention.

How to choose a safe deposit box for home?

Want to know how to choose a safe deposit box for your home? Find out the factors to be considered while choosing and buying a safe deposit box for home. Check out this article: How to choose a safe deposit box for home, and you will know.

5 Reasons for Switching from Analog CCTV camera to IP Camera Surveillance System

Still using the old analog CCTV camera for your home or your business? Time to upgrade now! These are the 5 Reasons for Switching from Analog CCTV camera to IP Camera Surveillance System.

How to Open a Sentry Safe with Combination?

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CCTV Installation in Singapore: How Much It Will Cost

How much it will cost to have a CCTV installation in Singapore? What is the most accurate option for a CCTV installation in Singapore? How to choose the best provider of CCTV installation in Singapore? This article tells you all: CCTV Installation in Singapore: How Much It Will Cost.

How CCTV Camera System Work?

Find out how CCTV works: from theory to practical use. Know different categories of CCTV cameras, components of CCTV system, typical use of CCTV cameras. Read: How CCTV works.

Safe Box Buying Guide 2018 (Free)

Free safe box buying guide. Consider the 5 important factors when you buy safe box: Safe Box Buying Guide 2018.

Buy Server Rack in Singapore: What You Need to Know

Buying a Server Rack for office or home? Read here first: Buy Server Rack in Singapore: What You Need to Know.

Server Racks and Their Sizes

Read here to understand more about sizes of server racks: Server Racks and Their Sizes

More people taking aim at neighbours with CCTV cameras in Singapore

Original Article: http://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/more-people-taking-aim-at-neighbours-with-cameras. All rights reserved by SPH Singapore.In trying to gather proof of misdeeds, some are flouting rules as permit for their use is required

More HDB residents are turning to closed-circuit television cameras (CCTV Cameras) or wireless IP cameras to monitor their neighbours' misdeeds.

But some of them do not realise they have to first make a police report and get permission from their town council before they can set up such surveillance equipment.

Even then, the cameras can only be used for up to six months before they have to be taken down.

CCTV Camera For Singapore HDB

An officer manning the HDB branch customer service line confirmed that before setting up a CCTV camera, a police report has to be made. The town council should then be informed. Following that, permission from the town council may be obtained.

Said Mr Marvin Poh, public relations manager of the Ang Mo Kio Town Council: "The town council may issue permits for CCTV camera installations for harassment cases after police reports have been made."

The camera, he added, "must only capture the movements or activities happening within the boundaries of the owner's unit". This refers to the immediate area outside a residence, but not into a neighbour's home.

Late last month, Mr Ng Jun Wei, 28, found that a camera perched on his neighbour's window was pointing straight at his door. The undergraduate complained on the Ang Mo Kio Town Council (AMKTC) Facebook page of a violation of privacy.

Days later, his family put up their own camera.

The dispute started four years ago with mutual complaints of noise and has since escalated to claims of harassment and verbal abuse.

Both parties have lodged multiple police reports against each other.

Mediation has not helped.

Mr Ng's neighbour, a housewife in her 40s, said her family got permission for their camera late last month. Mr Ng said he has asked for approval for his camera, and is considering filing for a protection order against alleged harassment.

Criminal lawyer Rajan Supramaniam has seen a 20 per cent rise in residents installing cameras to monitor and gather evidence of misdeeds.

He sees about five to eight cases of neighbour disputes in a month, up from two to three cases a month two years back. He is also a volunteer at Meet-the-People Sessions in Hougang, advising residents on disputes. "There are guidelines that say you should not be pointing a camera into people's bedrooms, or homes. That would be a violation of privacy."

AMKTC bylaws state that written permission is required before anything can be installed on common property. Offenders may be fined up to $1,000.

Mr Supramaniam said cameras are permitted on a temporary basis and have to be removed after an issue is resolved. "The town council may give up to six months for the CCTV camera to be removed."

Such surveillance is also becoming a source of dispute. As of last November, about one in 10 cases before the Community Disputes Resolution Tribunals, a last resort when mediation fails, involved "surveillance" as a cause of complaint. A State Courts spokesman said surveillance includes observing a neighbour's movements in and out of a flat, or using a mobile device to record them.

Mr Supramaniam believes more can be done to raise awareness of the rules, which may prevent situations from escalating. For instance, town council staff could do regular inspections and take action against those without permits, even when there are no complaints.

Steeper fines could be imposed, he added, and notices displayed around neighbourhoods so residents are aware of the regulations. 

Best positions to install a CCTV camera for office security

The selection of CCTV camera positions is the important element to acquire the better results from surveillance system. Investigation and deterrence are the basic two reasons to install the CCTV cameras in the office. If your surveillance system is able to provide you with clear image and sequence of the incident, you have achieved the objective of installing the CCTV camera. In this connection, you need to choose the proper locations to install the cameras in your office.

How to choose the best locations for CCTV camera?

The clear image is helpful to identify the person or persons involved in any crime. Moreover, the recording of the evidence provide lot of information to reach any conclusion. To achieve these to objective, the following general principles focused while installing CCTV cameras.

  • On main static points, the cameras must be closer to the object so that it may capture the clear and identifiable image.
  • On wider location where you monitor the activity of objective, the cams must be installed on wider angles.

Best 5 location you may select to install CCTV cameras in your office 

Keeping in view the above-mentioned principles, the following locations are recommended for CCTV camera. 

1.Entry point:

Entry point of the office or building is the first location that can provide the best image of the objective. At entry point, everyone takes time to look at and open the door. The image or video taken from this point is more helpful to identify the person. At entry point, the CCTV camera must be installed at closer location. The best recommended distance is about 3-4 feet from the average height of human being. 

2.On office reception or counter:

The office reception or counter is the next important location to be covered with CCTV camera. This location also provides with clear identifiable image of the objective. Depending upon the size and location of reception counter, you can install one close (low level) and a wider rage camera. If we see on the crime scenes happening worldwide, we can analyze that most of the crimes are occur on cash counters. Therefore, this location needs more attention while selecting the locations for CCTV cameras.

3.Staffroom or working area:

Staffroom and working area are the important locations to be covered with CCTV cameras. The surveillance system is an unblinking eye on the work place to monitor the activity. The security system helps you to know the entry of unauthorized persons in the work place. Moreover, CCTV camera has made it easy for the boss to monitor his/her workers and staff in the office. Now you can monitor the activities of your staff through a television screen. CCTV camera also works as supervisor in the office. 

4.Blind corners and stores:

For more security and surveillance, the blind corners and stores of the office building need to be covered with CCTV cameras. At these hidden locations, wide-angle cameras are best recommended because you can cover the more area with the camera installed at distant location.

5.Parking area and garages:

The parking area and garages adjacent to your office also need surveillance. Although, the parking area needs both close and wide-angle cameras; however, usually, wide-angle cameras are installed on these locations. Depending upon the location, if the space and budget allow, install CCTV camera at close as well as distant locations to identify the objective and to record the sequence of incident or crime.

Uses of CCTV cameras in Singapore Other than Crime Prevention

The primary use of CCTV Camera in Singapore and many other parts of the world is crime prevention. There are many proven reports which show that CCTV camera placement leads to the reduction of crime rate in the area. Although, initially, it was the only known use of this device but with time, people have learned its diverse uses. Now it is being used in many different ways.

Suggested Uses of CCTVcameras in Singapore

Here given are some uses of CCTV cameras other than crime prevention:

Traffic Monitoring:

CCTV cameras are being used in the monitoring of traffic in many cities. Their prime function on the roads is to capture any accident or mayhem. They are not used as the speed cameras. 

Observing Industrial Processes:

Many industrial processes are highly dangerous for humans, especially in chemical industry but their monitoring is vital for flawless continuation of the procedure. These industries use CCTV camera to observe those processes. 

Employees Monitoring:

Nowadays, many organizations take the help of CCTV to check the activity of the employees. As all the actions are being recorded, workers remain focused on the work. Employers usually set CCTV camera to scan goods and their quantity, quality control, absence and presence of the worker and so much more. Occurrence of specific event can be recalled when in need. 

Transport Safety: 

A CCTV camera system can be used to provide safety to the passengers. For instance, in a subway, operator can check whether every person has boarded before starting the train. 

Monitoring Sports Events:

In the arena, CCTV system is implanted for the fans so that they can see the game even when they are not on seats like in cafes, hallways etc. 

Protecting Students:

Bullying is becoming a major problem for the school children. Many schools around the globe plant CCTV system in the school hallways, canteens, etc. where children are present without the supervision of the teachers. There are some restrictions in using CCTV system in the private places like gym locker areas, bathrooms, and staff room. In school, the head may also use this system to check what is happening in the classroom.

Protecting Staff: 

In banking and especially in the firms where cash is involved, chance of theft comes from staff. Staff members even accused one another for the thievery. Employers can place this camera to protect their staff members. In the public dealings, it can even protect the staff from the customers’ violence and accusations. 

Securing Home:

Not only the big industries and organization, even simple citizens are using CCTV cameras to protect and monitor their houses as well. When connected to the internet, people can even see their house remotely.

How you useCCTV Camera in Singapore is upon you. At the time of their development, nobody knew that it could be used for that many purposes. Who knows, what the future holds. You may have your own ways of using CCTV camera that might not be mentioned here. But, all we know is - necessity is the mother of invention. 

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IP camera is the most reliable and accessible invention for foolproof security. Due to this invention, the surveillance system has become more reliable and secure. This technology has enabled you to connect the CCTV camera to the network. Now you can view the CCTV camera videos through a network from any location. IP camera Singapore also allows you to record the video on network drive. In many cases, it has been noticed that the burglars took away the DVR after attempting criminal act. Even installing the CCTV camera Singapore, the homeowner could not be able to identify the culprits. The recording of the evidence could not made available too. In fact, the surveillance system was itself on the risk of theft. IP camera surveillance system has enhanced the security because now your video is safe on the network.

The invention of IP camera has opened lots of options for the homeowners to monitor their home remotely. Now everything happening at home is directly on the watch. Similarly, the business community is more beneficiary of this wonderful invention. The safety of the recording and accessibility options has increased the demand of IP camera in Singapore. CCTV Singapore industry is focusing more on IP camera because it is more secured way of recording the evidence. With the installation of IP camera surveillance system, you can have complete piece of mind. You have best reliable security system, which never fails to produce evidence.

Hikvision & Dahua are the world’s leading CCTV camera, IP Camera and Video Surveillance Equipment companies. HikVision and Dahua specializes in video surveillance products and technology, HikVision & Dahua designs and manufactures CCTV and video surveillance products. HikVision & Dahua has products ranging from CCTV camera, IP cameras, HD-TVI cameras, NVRs and DVRs to video management software.

A reliable and secure safe box is the basic requirement of every home and office. Everyone needs a safe and secure place to keep his/her valuables and personal belongings. You need a safe box to lock and safeguard your confidential documents, which you do not want to share with other. Even, there may be some special documents or belongings you won’t want to share with your family members. The protection against unauthorized access to the personal assets and documents is the basic aim for having a reliable and secure safe box. Safety of the precious, personal, and secret assets remained the problems of human being in every era. In every era, the efforts to make a secure and foolproof safe box were made by the experts. During the current technology era, having a secure safe box is also the basic priority of everyone. The latest technology is being used for manufacturing secure safe box. Singapore lock and safe box are well known all around the world due to reliability and safety. The safe deposit box Singapore is focusing more on the quality and features of the safe. The basic aim is to make the safe more secure and complicated to prevent unauthorized access.

All possible measures have been taken to restrict unauthorized access to the safe box. Currently, key safe box, electronic/digital safe box and multi-lock system safe box have been introduced in the market. The advancement of technology has unveiled multiple options for the safe box manufacturer Singapore to make high-quality safe box and safe chest products. Brands of safe box includes Yale safeSentry SafeDiplomat Safe, Nika Safe, LuCell Safe.

server rack is a structure consisting of vertical columns and horizontal shelves that form a frame. This frame works as a special support for different kinds of computerized systems with special requirements. Server racks offer an excellent solution when it comes to find an optimal distribution, space saving and efficiency.

Keywords: HikVision, Dahua, CCTV Camera, IP Camera, wireless IP camera, CCTV SingaporeCCTV installation Singapore, HD-TVI CCTV camera from Hikvision, HDCVI CCTV Camera from Dahua, Nanny Camera, DVR, NVR, Digital Door Lock, Home Safe Box, Cloze Passage, Office Access Control, Yale Digital Lock, Fingerprint Lock, Digital Safe, Yale safe boxServer Rack

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